Why do we fundraise?
As a music program, we are continually fundraising to build our music library, update our instrument inventory, and give our students real-world experiences to enhance their learning from school.
In short, we ALWAYS are raising money so we are ALWAYS doing something that benefits HPS musicians.
Amazon Classroom Wishlist
At times, it is easier to get your shopping done online, and Amazon is the first place many people go. Teachers use the Amazon "wishlist" feature to list out specifically what is needed in their learning spaces. With two new music classrooms at High Plains, some things are needed to help us grow into those areas. Hundreds of kids at High Plains School are learning to love music and sometimes we need support through various supplies. If you have any questions about these items or how we will use them, please get in touch with Mrs. Lemons ([email protected]). Thank you for supporting the arts at High Plains!
Please check out our Classroom Wish List on Amazon
Please check out our Classroom Wish List on Amazon
Local Support
Thanks so much for your participation at the Freddy's fundraiser on Dec 17th High Plains School Music! Our fundraiser resulted in a total sales amount of $1,352.81, which means HPS music will receive a check for $202.92, which is 15% of total sales. That’s amazing!
@freddysusa @_hpsmusic @highplainsk8 @thompsonschooldistrict
@freddysusa @_hpsmusic @highplainsk8 @thompsonschooldistrict
Thank you, @breeze_thru_car_wash, for donating $1,000 to the @highplainsk8 band program! Shout out to these students representing us in the photo and Izzy A. for making the signs! These funds (with some funds from Summer Band) will cover the cost od out Elitch trip in May.
WOW!! In 2023, the music department earned $1,850 at the car wash fundraiser!! We are so incredibly lucky to have such a giving and supportive community!! Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated snacks, honked, waved, drove your car through the wash, and donated!! All funds go directly to our THRIVING band program at HPS!! Way to go, Bison! |
Summer 2021 - Car Wash Fundraiser for the HPS Band program!
WOW!! We earned $1,400.00 at our car wash!!
We are so incredibly lucky to have such a giving and supportive community!! Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated snacks, honked, waved, drove your car through the wash, and donated!! We are excited to see what this money can help with this year @highplainsk8 !! Thank you @breeze_thru_car_wash for allowing us to hold our fundraiser at your facility!! Yay!! |
HPS History of Swag...
While these items are no longer for sale, it's fun to look back at our history of HPSmusic swag!
HPS Sang the National Anthem at Colorado Eagles Game Again!
We're so impressed by this group of musicians!! This select group of High Plains Middle School students sang the National Anthem at a #coloradoeagles hockey game this past weekend. Thanks for representing our school, community, and Nation!! Great job, Bison!!! #highplainssteamschoolco @coloradoeagleshockey
Through this event, we were able to see tickets as a fundraiser, and we are happy to announce that we gained over $585 to use for our upcoming Middle School field trip in the Spring. Thank you EVERYONE who bought tickets to support us!!
Through this event, we were able to see tickets as a fundraiser, and we are happy to announce that we gained over $585 to use for our upcoming Middle School field trip in the Spring. Thank you EVERYONE who bought tickets to support us!!
A Special Thanks to.....
Thank you to the following companies and organizations for their ongoing support to help our students make music every day.
Thank you for putting instruments in their hands and music on their stands!
Skazma Custom Apparels
Guitars in the Classroom
Boomer Music Co.
Thank you for putting instruments in their hands and music on their stands!
Skazma Custom Apparels
Guitars in the Classroom
Boomer Music Co.